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James Allen's Literary World

Jane Austen's Persuasion!

The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen: A Novel wherein she tells her own story of lost love, second chances, and finding her happy ending - Shannon Winslow, Micah D. Hansen

Shannon Winslow has created another wonderful book dealing with a favorite literary subject, Jane Austen. Persuasion was the last novel Jane Austen completed shortly before her death. Many feel it was her best work. It contains an unparalleled love story and, arguably, the best love letter in literature.

The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen encompasses two timelines: the one in Jane Austen's Persuasion which covers Anne Elliot and her lost love and reuniting with Captain Wentworth. The other timeline deals with Jane Austen and Phillipe Devereaux and in many respects is made to parallel the one of Elliot and Wentworth. The two timelines diverge later and the one Winslow envisions for Jane Austen is intriguing and would make for a happier one that the real life Austen experienced.

I heartily recommend The Persuasion of Miss Jane Austen. Shannon Winslow is one of my favorite authors and this book will be enjoyed by anyone interested in Jane Austen or historical fiction.